Sunday, November 29, 2009

No sound in IE and Mozilla?

Recently i cant hear sound from internet browser for example youtube. however i can still hear the sound from itunes. any solution to this problem?

thanks in advance

No sound in IE and Mozilla?windows xp professional

maybe u disabled them... try googling it

No sound in IE and Mozilla?windows xp home internet explorer

Try this:

1.Open Control Panel.

2.Double Click to open Sounds and Audio Devices.

3.Click Sounds tab.

4.Scroll down to Windows Explorer, which is present under the Programs events.

5.Select Complete Navigation/Start Navigation.

Click OK/Apply.

Why does my ie have big fonts?

things are overlapping,tried changing screen resolution,no difference,any ideas?

Why does my ie have big fonts?windows mobile

keep on pressing the ctrl key %26amp; move your mouse scroll button... adjust according to your will..

Why does my ie have big fonts? internet explorer

Because, may be your File Menu %26gt; View %26gt; Text size is selected for large.
Goto %26gt; View %26gt; Text Size and select medium
You can reduce it

What exactly does --( ie cache ) stand for ???

everytime i run my drive cleaner,it finds hundreds of items under this. is it serious or nothing to really worry about ????

What exactly does --( ie cache ) stand for ???windows mail

IE cache is a folder in your Internet Explorer Program Files folder where website files are stored to help speed up your web surfing.

That's also the folder where IE will store its cookies (or website receipts). You can delete everything from the cache, and it will clear a lot of storage from your hard drive, BUT the cache will just fill back up and in the short term it may mildly affect your browser's performance. If you leave the cache intact IE will regulate it on its own.

If you are trying to get more storage on your computer, you can go into Internet Explorer Tools and change the % of drive space or number of megabytes of storage you want to allow the cache to take up on your hard drive. It also gives you other options about your computer history, cookies etc. I recommend you get to know your IE options because they can help keep your internet browsing safe for your computer.

What exactly does --( ie cache ) stand for ???microsoft maps internet explorer

Nothing to worry about. Its just another way of saying temporary internet files. Most likely they are cookies, web pages, etc. They get loaded on their to personalize the browsing experience, but you need to clear them out occaisonally.
The Internet Explorer (ie) cache is basically a folder on your systems where the ie puts for example images from websites in, so next time you visit the website it loads quicker.
cache is temporary storage of websites and other things that you have visited. It is perfectly normal to get this, and delete it using Disk Cleanup.

Everything that Disk Cleanup finds can be deleted. Then use DEFRAG to help make your drive run somewhat faster. If you do BOTH just once a week, your computer will be kept running in top shape.

You should have an anti-spyware solution on your computer. I recommend that you go to and get AD-AWARE and SpyBot Search %26amp; Destory. Install, run, update and scan your computer with both programs.

Good luck and Happy Computing.

Running XP Pro, IE 6, SP 2, java script error won't let me access some Yahoo word games (crossw

If you don't already have it go to

and download the latest version of java. Uninstall any old versions. Then try to access the yahoo games website. This worked for me.

Running XP Pro, IE 6, SP 2, java script error won't let me access some Yahoo word games (crossword)?microsoft zune

just download the latest Version

Running XP Pro, IE 6, SP 2, java script error won't let me access some Yahoo word games (crossword)?windows nt internet explorer

since you are fully oriented and aware about IE.Java script.and such sophosticated technical terms .why do you waste your time in playing cross world puzzle.

I have a ie 7.0 expoler...should i change to firefox....?

because last time i got some bug when i using it . lots of windows came out and cant open some windows ,i guess it had please help me .should i change to use he firefox which they said it is the best epoler?i hav no idea..~

I have a ie 7.0 expoler...should i change to firefox....?microsoft net

as much as i love firefox, i don't think IE is that bad IF you have a secure computer with a decent firewall, antispyware, antivirus, and all those good security programs. Just watch where you surf and what you download. good luck.

I have a ie 7.0 expoler...should i change to firefox....?microsoft flight simulator internet explorer

it doesn't matter really. but i do recommend u get firefox just in case
Yeah. Ie is crap.
Firefox is fine, if you download the Mobile Firefox, it's even faster (and you can save it to your flash drive).
Personally, I love Firefox and would recommend it to anyone, but really neither are much safer than the other. To secure your computer, check out this guide that Kim Komando wrote.
Firefox is pretty good. I have been using it for a while and im happy with it.
Firefox is awesome

You can personalize it with Themes (skins) and get plug-ins to make it work the way you want it to All from their website

I love Firefox much better than I.E. but i never tried i.e. 7 cause i now use linux
firefox is awesome

i just switched a couple weeks ago and im lovin it..

its faster and easier to use..

and wayy
Firefox for years has been much safer, fewer malicious attacks, smaller footprint, and in most cases faster. Also, there are more plugins available. Many primary and secondary schools prefer Firefox or Safari for safety, and use of fewer resources.

Hope this helps!
go for it ,i use firefox and love it ( and the add on's for firefox are nice) ,but keep ie just in case you need it for win update ,ect

Error 404 in IE?


Ihave a problem and need help, please!!

I have setup my own webserver and upload the website onto it;

when I want to access to my site from my comp, it works fine, when I access from another comp via Firefox -it works, but if I try to access via Explorer, it sends me an Error 404 (page cannot be found)? I tried to shut down the firewall, but no result.

Please help!! Tnx


Error 404 in IE?windows xp sp2

hey i can help you with this go to your FTP account for the hosting you got for you site... and if you got cpanel go to error pages and edit your 404 error if you got plesk go to error banner on the left and edit your 404 banner or just go to your FTP and delete 404.htm GOOD LUCK :)

Error 404 in IE?microsoft sql server internet explorer

update your internet explorer

Digital clock readings ie. 1.11 2.22 and 4.44. Do these have a spiritual meaning?

As i have been told these signs could be that someone is trying to contact me from the spiritual side.

Digital clock readings ie. 1.11 2.22 and 4.44. Do these have a spiritual meaning?microsoft internet explorer

Yes -- it means that someone was very busy at 4:20...

Digital clock readings ie. 1.11 2.22 and 4.44. Do these have a spiritual meaning?microsoft downloads internet explorer

So, someone tries to contact you from the spiritual side 12 (hours 1 through 5 and 11, twice a day) times a day at exactly the same times. Wow.

What about 11:11... seems that would mean somoene super special is trying to contact you.
I think every clock hits those numbers.

Get a feckin life willya?

It's a digital clock. Not a voice from beyond.

How about the microwave? Has that said much recently? Or the toaster? They are really spiritual appliances, you know, you should listen harder.
depends on if it is AM or PM.

No, actually they have no meaning at all.
Yes it has a meaning, it means you are spending way too much time waiting for those numbers to come up which they would anyway and exactly at the same time rather you were watching or not.
%26lt;Ralf rolls his eyes%26gt;

It may be, because it sure looks like the rational people here on the mundane side aren't getting through to you...
they are signs telling that God was raped by Satan?
It'll probably be Albert Einstein and he wants to discuss the space time continuum, about which he has changed his mind on a few relevant factors.

Be awake. Be very awake.

Get real?
Noticing these patterned numbers on clock readings suggest a synchronous awareness beyond usual probability laws. You are tuning into the energetic rhythm of increasing planetary consciousness.
No, they're times.

I wonder what does my binary clock mean then...
Magician above me - i (to some extent) agree with you.

If you mail the question again to me, i'l reply - not in the mood to explain in such a negative atmosphere!!

Is carbonated water (ie. perrier and san pellagrino) bad for your teeth?

Carbonated water is slightly acidic but I do not see danger there.The phosphoric acid in most sodas is bad for your teeth because it changes the pH in the oral cavity and permits the erosion of tooth enamel, Schumacher explained. Drinking one soda a day would not pose a problem, but drinking several daily might. Continual sipping might prevent the saliva in your mouth from buffering the acid, which could harm your teeth.

Is carbonated water (ie. perrier and san pellagrino) bad for your teeth?uninstall internet explorer


Is carbonated water (ie. perrier and san pellagrino) bad for your teeth? internet explorer

no, it contains no sugar or minerals with natural floride that could possibly harm your teeth.
Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, especially for young children it's often used to dilute juices to prevent early tooth decay. Much more common in Europe than here. Try half and half with apple juice in the summer time. Best thirst quencher there is. Commonly consumed by soccer players after games, as things like gatorade has way too much sugar! Try it, you might like it. MsB.

Why do my IE windows pop up really small no matter how many times i resize them?

i have tried resizing them and it is only when i open a new link in a new window it only opens about 1/4 of the full size and it is driving me NUTS!

Why do my IE windows pop up really small no matter how many times i resize them?microsoft

when a new window loads up, don't hit the maximise button up top, move your mouse to the edge of the new window...your mosue will turn into 4, and drag to the corner of the screen, do that on all sides, till your screen is full, your new window will open up full size each time.

Why do my IE windows pop up really small no matter how many times i resize them?microsoft access internet explorer

right click on ie icon and select properties. use the drop down where it says run to select maximised

When i open IE i get the massege "massege from PIT-HVtoMSHOME oh my god someone killed chinesha

I assume you are asking what this is as you did not state. IT is spam and block them

Also, to stop this from happening again, you should only have on your buddy list ones that you know and keep yourself private from public

Low ejaculation pressure.... ie. not much fuel in the rockets!!!???

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

How to put IE into background so it will not run concurrently with Firefox yet have it ready if want

Not sure I understand your question.

You can have both installed on your computer at the same time. Whether they run concurrently or not depends on if you start them at the same time or not.

You can view the web in Firefox, or IE, or both at the same time without issues.

How to put IE into background so it will not run concurrently with Firefox yet have it ready if wanted?microsoft office

Firefox has an add-on that allows you to open a tab in IE, but still be in the Firefox browser. It will put an IE tab on your Firefox tab toolbar.

I'm using IE to open my web pages.Can I create a new folder to access my favorites?

I'm not the only person who uses this computer.The favorites are jammed full.I'd like to create a folder to be stored in the favorites drop down.Is this possible?I'm tired of scrolling through 50 different things to find what I need.Give me step by step instructions if you know how to do this.I'm not interested in downloading anything new.

I'm using IE to open my web pages.Can I create a new folder to access my favorites?microsoft word

Click on favorites then click on organize favorites the create your own folder with say your name. now when you save something to favorites and the box comes up so you can rename it send it to your folder you will see a drop down menu that lets you do that.

I'm using IE to open my web pages.Can I create a new folder to access my favorites?windows movie maker internet explorer


use firefox it has a great way of organising bookmarks

and whats more its really top class

try it atleast you alone can use firefox when the other users can use ie

good luck
from tools | favorite menu go to organize favorites. click on create new folder. create a folder with your name and you can drag %26amp; drop your own favorite items to this folder.I would suggest you use if you have an internet connection.
Iwascool o is right.

get the fox and you have crispy new book-marks for your self.

Why does my IE got slow when i downloaded the new IE7, and somtimes it wont open?please help?

I've been looking at this slowness issue on IE7. The "Phishing Filter" feature phones home to Microsoft, before it will load a web page, to check a database of known phishing/fake web sites. If you turn off the Phishing Filter, you may get a speed increase.

Why does my IE got slow when i downloaded the new IE7, and somtimes it wont open?please help?windows live

check there under free programs, also sign the guestbook

Why does my IE got slow when i downloaded the new IE7, and somtimes it wont open?please help?windows media player 11 internet explorer

spyware. use spybot
I never download that new stuff, I still have IE-5. I had 6 once and it slowed me down and I had problems. I reformatted and just kept IE-5.
u kno wat lyn... change ur browser... yeah! get Mozilla Firefox.. it's better than IE.. trust me.. much faster than IE,tabbed browsin, much stable...

download from


I have no IE menu bar. No view, tool, file or anything to click on; how do I get it back? Please Hel

Some pages don't have them, try opening a new window.

I have no IE menu bar. No view, tool, file or anything to click on; how do I get it back? Please Help!?windows update

open IE goto view menu select toolbars and tick all the toolbars you require and everything can be seen by you.

I have no IE menu bar. No view, tool, file or anything to click on; how do I get it back? Please Help!?microsoft excel internet explorer

If the menu bar with File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, and Help is not showing, then click Tools (cog wheel like icon) on the bottom right of the toolbar, click MENU BAR, or right click a vacant space on the toolbar, click MENU BAR
i have no ie menu bar or anything on the top of my page

Why won鈥瞭 IE let me download Yahoo Messenger?

Each time I press the "download Now" button, I get the message that the download page is not obtainable - it and has been so for 3 days now!

Why won鈥瞭 IE let me download Yahoo Messenger?windows xp

dunno babe

Why won鈥瞭 IE let me download Yahoo Messenger?microsoft office 2007 internet explorer

Where are u from explains ya problem bro. Maybre it still not available in ya area yet?

Can Ubuntu run IE 6 or just FireFox?

You can not run Microsoft's Internet Explorer from any Linux machine. I know I have tried.


Can men lactate ie produce milk from their nipples?

I'm seen guys at the gym with...ummm...something like breast tissue, can guys breast feed?

Can men lactate ie produce milk from their nipples?windows mobile

Strangely enough, I've read that they can, but I don't know how, when or why, or if the milk is nutritious for babies, or if it's all guys or just some guys.

Strictly speaking, it's not nipples that produce milk, they're only the delivery system. Milk comes from mammary glands underneath, which supposedly men don't have, or not enough of to produce milk, so how the stories I've read work, I have no idea. The wikipedia entry below doesn't site relevant references, although it does address the topic.

Can men lactate ie produce milk from their nipples?safari browser internet explorer

Breasts and nipples are vestigal traits in the male gender, so no, they don't lactate and cannot breast feed. Sorry to disappoint you.
If they shoot estrogen maybe :)

I hope not. I don't think so, why should they?
Yes, they do. They also get their period and get pregnant too. Where have you been??!!
Yes they can if their hormone levels are increased with estrogen. There is even a thing I read back in the day that if a man can stimulate his nipples 10-15 Min's a day and massage his breast he can began producing milk. But not close enough as woman can.

Plus men also have periods. But thats a different story.

Does bacteria walk, ie move along a table or am i safe if i keep 1 ft away from the danger zone?

Depends what you mean...

If you have a petri dish of pathogenic bacteria, then as long as it is covered you are probably ok, but you should wear gloves while handling it just to be safe.

Many bacteria can produce spores, which can become airborne, so if the lid is off the dish, they can easily "escape".

Bacteria can swim in liquids, even a very thing film of liquid on a surface, but they don't "walk" as such.

Remember that most bacteria are harmless, or even beneficial. Your skin is covered in bacteria. Your intestines contain trillions of bacteria. You have more bacterial cells in/on your body than you have cells of your own, and there are more E. coli in your intestines than there are people in the world.

What is love,ie real love.?

i love some one ,but i dont feel that i love her

What is love,ie real love.?microsoft access

Real love between two persons is when one lives for the other, not for himself or herself. In true love, there is total harmony between the two individuals when a stage comes for none to expect anything from each other but both feel that what ever one is getting it is but for the other. I think, you are in the right track, particularly when you love her but there is no special feeling to demonstrate.

What is love,ie real love.?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Hmm love is trust in your partner
try to love that one passionately, think of his good qualities, conduct more communication.

To love someone, you need to feel compassion for them. To be in love with someone, you need to have the ability to see every flaw they have and accept it...for the rest of your life, and know you cannot change it and have a physical attraction. Just my take on it.
its up to u
its a sweet felling in ur heart,when u like anyone...when u fall in her love..u like her every activity by very close view...ur heart is full of cheer...n u want to live to whom...
i think love is that which come out thru our heart i,e it start from our eyes i.e starting but love means understanding feelings of each other nd helping eachother but this 'gen' pepople thinks love is sex or money
your is not real love then
love is just understanding u partner and trust on each other....its the feelinf of caring each other forgetting abt yourself...respecting each other....thats love my friend

I upgraded to IE 7.0 and want to go back to the older version. What should I do?

Just uninstall IE7. It will automatically go back to the IE that you already had.

I upgraded to IE 7.0 and want to go back to the older version. What should I do?microsoft outlook

I used " restore", and restored my PC to a date prior to downloading IE7.0 and it worked.

No sound with IE, Firefox or MSN?

Any ideas?

No sound with IE, Firefox or MSN?windows defender

Check your connection settings and browser settings. You might find a little problem there. A noob answer would be check if your volume is actually on. Meaning the speakers are working, mute isn't turned on and things like that. Do sounds work for everything else?

I have a IE 7, what's a CLIP BOARD?

I recently visited a site where I had to copy links and then paste them in my mail and send it across friends. As soon I clicked on the address a mag, "Add to clip board" appeared? What is a clip board and where is it located in IE7?

I have a IE 7, what's a CLIP BOARD?windows live messenger

The clipboard is a software program that is used for short-term storage of data as it is transferred between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations. It is most commonly a part of a GUI environment and is usually implemented as an anonymous, temporary block of memory that can be accessed from most or all programs within the environment.

So in simple words when you do a copy or a cut, the information is stored in what is called "the clipboard" and when you do a paste, well it pastes what ever is on the clipboard

Whenever I use IE and search google the results when clicked is directed to some XXX site..Can someo

I also get a pop up from Winfixer...Its very frustrating and embarassing.

Whenever I use IE and search google the results when clicked is directed to some XXX site..Can someone help?opera browser

I had winfixer before and "VundoFix" program solved the problem.

Download Vundofix from

Also like what the lady said above, run ad-awareSE, plus spybot search and destroy, ewido anti malware.

Run any antivirus (activescan panda, mcafee freescan) later on.

Don't forget to update your java and windows as well.

Whenever I use IE and search google the results when clicked is directed to some XXX site..Can someone help?microsoft windows internet explorer

Use Yahoo search (just as good) and put on "safe search", which will filter results (not all, but it will get rid of a lot of crap).
I have that same problem! Some mother/son incest site. It's aweful. Either that or Morwill Search Engine or Lycos.

Sorry I can't offer a solution... but it's good to know I'm not the only one with an issue.
try useing spybot search and destroy or the yahoo anti spy........
you're facing adware problem......install microsoft anti spyware or adware personal edition and scan your computer you'll get rid of this problem
I have had this problem before. i re formatted before trying to solve the problem but searching for spyware and adware might help. I recomend Spybot search and destroy for this.
It sounds like you have spyware.

I recommend going to this site and downloading Ad-aware.

It will scan your computer and remove spyware.
safe search settings allows you to screen the xxx stuff out its in the same window as the google search, i just found out about it too.
Follow Missd's advice.
go : tools == manage adds-on . there is a strange program in the list which is not related to ur pc , disable it ( non microsoft , not yahoo corporaton

You have a cool web search variant ( CWS ) You need cwsredder you can either google it or download it here
It is a trojan problem. Update your virus scan with the recent definitions and I used Ace utilities to help find and delete the problem. there is s free 30 day trial.Reformat only as a last resort as you will lose all of your data.
You have 2 separate problems. Out of all these answers only 2 were correct. Follow hans and minormatt's advice to rid yourself of Winfixer and your search hijacker.
uset NetDog, NetDog blocks porn content

Remove Quicktime as IE's Video Player?

I just installed Quicktime and it took over the role of video player from Windows Media Player. Thats not gonna fly! Id like to keep QT, but not if its gonna work like that. Any suggestions?

Remove Quicktime as IE's Video Player?windows movie maker

You can either change the file associations (what they call MIME Type Assignments). However, I would just re-install Media Player. It will take over agin and its much easier.

Remove Quicktime as IE's Video Player?microsoft project internet explorer

go to your computer's settings or control panel. it should have a choice there where it asks your preference of media player. that should do the trick
dont accept its setting of making it a default media player. U must have not noticed while installing it Otherwise it gives the option of making it default media player or not. Nevertheless u can change it now also by configuring its settings. Or configure the settings of windows media player to make it ur default player. It will also change the setting of QT.

Big problem with IE 7 & 6. see my details below?

Problem appreared on my computer running IE7 and then back to IE6 with same problem. I run xp pro. I have been using IE7 with no problems, after the problem appeared I went back to IE6 but the problem remained.

Problem: I log into yahoo mail, a page appears that tells me that my browser settings will not allow redirection. After a few seconds my yahoo inbox appears normally. When I try to open a mail the body of that mail is blank, if I open mail in my folders, sent, bulk, etc, those bodies are also blank.

Problem: If I use my MS XP Pro control panel to navigate to "performance and maintenance" and then onto Microsoft updates, that Microsoft update page is always blank.

Problem: If I launch my Mcaffee console that page will be blank also

Big problem with IE 7 %26amp; 6. see my details below?windows media player 11

Soulds like you need to reinstall installation cd.

Big problem with IE 7 %26amp; 6. see my details below?microsoft publisher internet explorer

I was having trouble with the new 7 also...I was about to give up and switch back to 6. Only thing that stopped me was.....I had to install a new Norton Anti old Norton was running out soon. After I installed the new Norton everything was right again...I haven't had any problems since. This seemed to work for me.

Im on benefits ie. income support , can my boyfriend stay over any nights?

why doesn't your boyfriend pay your rent and then he can stay whenever he wants to. why should the tax payers pay your rent so your boyfriend can get a freebee!!!

Im on benefits ie. income support , can my boyfriend stay over any nights?microsoft excel

you are on welfare and your worry is can your b/f sleep over? No, they will wonder if he is giving you money and/or is living with you.

Im on benefits ie. income support , can my boyfriend stay over any nights?microsoft updates internet explorer

yeah, as long as he doesn't move in!
I agree with the lady stating that you are on government monies and you are worried about a man staying over at your home. I would focus on getting a job and an education that can help you out of the hole that you are in. I do believe that he can stay over, but it's not to be made a habit. Is he collecting too? If not then maybe he can help you out if he wants to stay there all the time.
whats wrong with him staying the night once in awhile could lead them to believe he is living there. check into moving out live with him.

When signing into IE we get a security centre page and can not access home page, why?

Ha Ha Ha Internet Explorer sux

United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team:

"There are a number of significant vulnerabilities in technologies related to the IE domain/zone...It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different web browser"

Should have been using Fireox

Download the following (if you don’t have them already) and then UPDATE them. After they are updated, restart your PC while tapping the “F8” key – this will start your PC in “safe mode”. When your computer is in safe mode scan with all these programs and then trash what ever they find.

Windows Defender




AVG Antispyware (free for 30 days)

When signing into IE we get a security centre page and can not access home page, why?microsoft office 2007

Your computer has been hijacked.

And it's best to get an expert to check your computer out at:

They are volunteers, very good and will give you step by step instructions as to how to get your computer back to normal.

Register, go to the Hijack This Forum, read the instructions on how to post a log, give a brief description of your problem (like you've just typed) and post your log there. The guys in there are fantastic and trustworthy and will guide you through in getting rid of anything nasty from your computer.

You must post a HijackThis log as per the instructions, not just your problem.

After upgrading to IE 7.0 why cant I find cookies in Explorer anymore?

I know my cookies are there, and working, but why can I no longer find them using Windows Explorer. Normally they are near the Favorities, but now there is NO cookies folder. How do I get it back or find the cookies and the cookies folder?

After upgrading to IE 7.0 why cant I find cookies in Explorer anymore?safari browser

If you want to find out go to Tools%26gt;Internet Options%26gt;.Temp Internet Files%26gt;Delete Cookies then just delete them...

Or Do a search for Cookie Folders etc ?

After upgrading to IE 7.0 why cant I find cookies in Explorer anymore?ds browser internet explorer

Dump IE and use FireFox.
top right corner go to tools, Internet options, browsing history, hit delete and it will bring up what you want to delete i.e cookies

Who else thinks IE 7 status bar should display the page size?

(in bytes or KB) of the currently loaded page, and the amount of time in seconds it took, from the second the HTTP query was issued by the user, to the second the page was fully loaded? This way webmasters can measure and optimize the size and page load time of their pages.

Who else thinks IE 7 status bar should display the page size?internet browser

IMHO, the majority of web users are not webmasters, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to put something in your browser that *maybe* 5% of your users are going to use, at least not by default, and especially when there are other ways to measure those things.

What's the IE page so that I can the delete words from the "search" bar? I'm usi

This is how you delete history on IE.

For Internet Explorer 6 or other simliar browsers; open Tools and look for Internet options.

When the palette comes up, look for browsing history and click on delete history.

For IE7 click on tools and choose option Delete browsing history at the top .

Adjust your settings on your search bar. There should be a "pencil" on older Yahoo toolbars.....or the word "Settings" on newest version.

New version Y ! Toolbar

With the new version you can clear recent searches on the Settings or go to toolbar options and check Auto-clear recent searches when exiting IE. If you have the older version toolbar for Yahoo you may be able to clear searches this way also.

You can also adjust your Search Preferences in

under My web click the edit link and look for " Turn on My Search History to remember search results I click on so I can easily retrieve them. (I can always clear My Search History at any time.)". Uncheck the box

I use 2 browsers, fire fox n IE, recently my firefox couldn't connect to internet while my ie h

anyone please help..thanks

I use 2 browsers, fire fox n IE, recently my firefox couldn't connect to internet while my ie have no problemwindows messenger

before had same problem firefox got corrupted somehow so i uninstalled then reinstalled problem was solved

I use 2 browsers, fire fox n IE, recently my firefox couldn't connect to internet while my ie have no problemmicrosoft works internet explorer

sounds like a firewall and the programs access has not been enabled in the settings. Check the respective area for the program that you are using. (ie, zone alarm, or the default microsoft program)

1999 Ford Escort (ie. piece of crap) is puttering on take-off.?

On a Ford Escort, when I take off in a hurry it putters and doesn't wanna just "go." However, if I ease on the gas, it will not show any signs of defect. The "check engine" light is on, and it does it only when I punch on the gas. Also, it does it in reverse, and in if I punch it on the freeway. It just broke 115,000 miles. Has anyone else had this same problem and what did you have to do to fix it?

1999 Ford Escort (ie. piece of crap) is puttering on take-off.?windows updates

The check engine light is on for a reason. Go to an Auto Zone and they will scan it for free and this will point you in the right direction to go as far as repaing the problem goes.

1999 Ford Escort (ie. piece of crap) is puttering on take-off.?replacement windows internet explorer

A car this old and with this many miles will start to have problems. And the check engine light is not there for you to laugh at. It means that you have a problem. SOOOOOO I am thinking that the piece of crap may not be the car. Have the codes pulled so you can fix the reason it is "puttering". And stop whining dude! These are usually pretty reliable automobiles. IF you take care of them!

And the next things that will happen... radiator hoses, belts, (Including the timing belt.) cv joints and rubber boots. Take care of the little car man.
I haven't had a bit of trouble with my 99 escort. have a scanner put on it, it's probably an easy fix.
My 1998 Escort had similar problems last year and it ended up being the transmission.....check your fluid if its low your lines may be leaking...if that is not what it is, it could be yor spark plugs or fuel filter.. Good luck.

Since upgrading to IE 7.0, several websited i want to go to are blocked. Why?

I also used to have a front-end for ftp servers, where I could up- and download by just drag and drop, and that is gone now. I was suggested to use web2ftp in another questen, and thank you that works, but I prefere the front-end that I think I lost with the installation of 7.0. HOW CAN i GO BACK TO THE EARLIER VERSION???

Since upgrading to IE 7.0, several websited i want to go to are blocked. Why?microsoft money

I don't suggest you using IE at all!! Try FireFox, it really is much more better than Internet Explorer. Here's why:

1. Better protection against hackers and spyware

2. Better browsing experience by add on adds ons and themes

3. Faster browser!!

4. It's open source, not like IE microsoft coporation!!

Try it, it really does help!!

Since I installed IE 7 I have not been able to use my Yahoo! Photo Mail. Why not?

Ah, yes, I E 7 is a heap of trouble. some people have no problems, MANY people have MANY problems. Microsoft makes IE7, but Yahoo PUSHES it . Yahoo has now acknowledged big problems with IE7. Many of us have uninstalled it and gone back to IE6 (it will still be there.) You can also download 'Firefox, many people like it. But keep your IE6 too, so you have a choice whch to use at any given time. Firefox does not support some programs. I had same problem you have and every day somethng else went wrong. Here are 2 numbers to talk to a human at yahoo. I found then to be very courteous and helpful and others have told me the same. 1-866-494-4664 or 1-866-562-7219.

Since I installed IE 7 I have not been able to use my Yahoo! Photo Mail. Why not?microsoft windows

And if you want to make IE7 more secure hears a link.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How to remove IE-7 search box?

Use Firefox.

How to remove IE-7 search box?microsoft project

didn't help Report It

I switched to ie 7.0 and now my wife and daughters email come up blank when they open them ?

they can sign in and open them but when they open them there is no words or pictures nothing but i can sign in under my user name on my computer and then there email works

I switched to ie 7.0 and now my wife and daughters email come up blank when they open them ?microsoft publisher


I phoned Yahoo! yesterday, 11-28-06, and they told me that they are still working on the bugs of the Yahoo! Beta Mail The "Session Expired" issue is what they are working on at present.

Thousands are having many different problems with their mail as there is still a glitchs that Yahoo! hasn't gotten fixed yet in their new format.

This applies to almost all areas of mail (including signing in, composing, receiving, sending, attachments, photos etc.), messenger and search problems, for the last two weeks.

I found this in What's New In Mail:

We鈥檙e wrapping up a few remaining compatibility issues between Yahoo! Mail Beta and the new Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0

Until they finish wrapping up try some of the things below:

To get in most areas of Yahoo!:

This one has a lot of good info that covers about everything on a PC:

Yahoo! Mail Help Tips:

For those who can't get in at all try this as it seems to be working for a few.

Login on My Yahoo! page

Select the link at top right to go to Yahoo!'s Home Page.

Hover over the Mail Icon under where it says (Hi, your Yahoo! id).

You should get a drop down menu with your latest emails displayed.

Select an email and click it. You then get to a new page about Shortcuts, but just select the button for Mail and it should take you to your Mail page.

It wasn't getting redirected to the shortcuts page on some servers and not going to the mail page.

This is also working for some:

Click the "Options" link in the upper right of your Mail page.

On the Options page, in the "Management" column, click on "General Preferences".

Find the "Composing E-mails" section, "Mode:", and choose "Compose messages as plain text".

Scroll to the bottom and click the "Save" button.

Now try it. Can you Compose, Reply to a message or Forward?

This is working for some also:

Make sure your screen resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels. Right click on your desktop, click Properties, click the "Settings" tab, left click and hold on the screen resolution bar and drag it all the way to the right, click Apply and click OK

To contact Yahoo!:

Toll free 1-866-562-7219 - 1-800-318-0608


408-349-1572 customer care

408-349-3301 fax

Yahoo! Help Form:

I hope this helps you.

Where are my IE add ons ???

OK, I get up this morning and go to the start menu, IT says:(the icon ) internet explorer(running with add ons off)? The drop down for( manage add ons) won,t highlight so, I dig deeper to where you can enable or disable add ons one at a time and ,enable all. Nothing! Along with that, i was entering a 1st time password to start online banking and the resault is a page that reads( your secssion has expired maybe due to the browsers page, resizing%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;I,m stumped..any ideas ??

Where are my IE add ons ???microsoft updates

Good luck with this! I was wondering the same thing. IE is funny

Graphics show in IE as red x in box?

I have already went to internet options and make sure the that show pictures is checked. This only happens when I clean out my cach and empty my temporary internet files, history, cookies etc. then when I go to a web page that has pics, some of the pics show and others are just red x. They all showed before I emptied the files in tools. whats going on? and how do I get all the pics to show again? this frustrates me. thanks.

Graphics show in IE as red x in box?windows media

It seems you're using an older version of Internet Explorer and it does have problems about deleted cookies; it couldn't load pictures after you cleaned your cache files. The temporary resolution is to reload the page. Upgrading to the current version of I.E. helps a lot too, but I suggest that you use firefox as it is more secure than I.E.

How does masturbation ie losing sperm regularly can affect a man's health?

Hi there. Good nutrition is a factor on sperm counts. There are other factors that can adversely affect sperm counts such as exposing the testicles to too much heat like frequent use of hot tubs or even wearing tight fitting underwear. men generate new sperm on a regular basis. Masturbation or other types of sexual activity that results in ejaculation has no adverse affect on a man's health. There are many benefits such as the release of endorphins and even other physical chemicals such as serotonin increase that can guard against depression. New research is revealing many benefits to the overall health of a man as a result of masturbation. Women, on the other hand are born with all the eggs they will produce in a lifetime. So, as they age sometimes the older eggs produce results of offspring with Down's syndrome. A difficult challenge for any parent. Masturbation does help those with chronic pain in which pain medication effects last longer. Masturbation can hinder ones health if it impedes normal activities in ones life. If it is used as a substitute for interpersonal relationships or other social activities, masturbation can be detrimental to ones mental health. Do what you are comfortable with. Have a healthy sex life and take care of your overall health. Have a nice week.

How does masturbation ie losing sperm regularly can affect a man's health?microsoft vista

I don't think so.

How does masturbation ie losing sperm regularly can affect a man's health?windows xp pro internet explorer

no cuz your body is always making more sperm
our body is a big time sperm producer,masterbate as much as u want
Your testicles constantly produce sperm. They will do so until you die. You can masturbate all you want and there will not be any problem at all. Even if you do not masturbate, you will still ejactulate in your sleep as your body needs to release sperm.
If it did, the entire male population of the world would be in serious trouble!!
It does not affect health and instead they can help relieve stress and make you feel contempted as your body wont stop making (sperm)which is the white substance name semen until the day you die.So is ok and does not affects health if it affect it means having sex too affect then..^^
it does not affect the man!s health.
You will not lose any as your body will reproduce, even if you do not masturbate, your body will discharge them.
dont worry you will continually have a supply of sperm! just dont try to masturbate more than 3x a day though ;)
Don't look at it as losing sperm, it's more like keeping it fresh.
well depend on invisual like i know if i jackoff offen i have less sperm for when i do have sex but if i dont and dont have sex offen then i have a big build up of sperm so those of u trying to be daddys and low sperm count might not wanna masterbase til u get ur rock off playing it one thing but getting it off no wonder aint getting a kid lol and beside it in the Bible that better for seed of man to enter a whore belly then wasted on the ground
it doesnt who ever told you this is an idiot
Sperm( semen) is manufactured by the body to be used and not for saving like money in a bank locker. The body continuously produces semen and if you don't use the body will throw it out either in sleep or when you are excited.

It will never affect the health of the person.
If you don't masturbate or or otherwise ejaculate, your body will eliminate the sperm simply by consuming it internally. No worries. On the other hand, if you masturbate a lot (whatever THAT means) then its like those totilla chips: "We'll make more." Of all the things you can do often without undue concern, this surely makes the top ten list, together with bathing and brushing your teeth. Enjoy.
Yoga teaches, that letting go of sperm is letting go of prana, life force energy. You don't want to waste that energy for when you really need it, if you know what I mean! Espcecially, if you want to have kids, it brings the sperm count quite low, while the libido remains high.
Aruveda and Yoga do not encourage Masturbation and toooo often can lead to problems like early ejaculation when you require to stay put. But then it is an induviuals body he should learn to respect/misuse it. Nature does not encourage misue or over use of its re4sources - uncontrolled/unlimited exploition has lead to global warming....
not at all-but it cause some emotional upheavel

computer repair