Friday, November 27, 2009

Are churchs misdirected, ie, not doing Gods work?

30,000 children die every day in this world of preventable causes, is it more impt to have a nice expensive church, or spend the churchs money helping others?

Are churchs misdirected, ie, not doing Gods work?windows 95

We need to give back to our communities but we should also have the needed tools at church. There is nothing wrong with having a nice looking church, nice seating, good sound system etc.

Are churchs misdirected, ie, not doing Gods work?download ie internet explorer

Charity begins at home don't you know.
^ It's true. He wears the same clothes everyday.
I agree. Churches seem to ignore some very important issues in favor of personal morality issues like homosexuality. Really, concentrate on something that can help the world, like poverty, homeless youth, etc.
they rather spend their money trying to get their dogma in our schools, courts, and fight gay rights!!
I don't give to the chuches around me for that same reason. World Vision is a great christian charity that is doing God's work.
Don't give your money to the church, give it to a charity instead. As an Atheist I give to three separate Charities.
You pose a very good question.

I do agree with the first answer, charity begins at home. But I also agree that the church's income should be spent on the church's *needs*. Of course, a *fancy* church building is not one of them.
Unfortunately, most churches today have become income-based business organizations. Whether truth is being preached or not, the "structure" is business-oriented.

So, "yes", the majority of Christian churches are misdirected into becoming solely big churches.
If you've seen some of the "mega-churches," huge mall-sized blights on the land, it's hard not to question the priorities of the people who build them (tax-free!). But I suppose as long as people are willing to throw their money in the collection plate, and don't get upset themselves to see it spent that way, it's going to happen.
Life is termanal. If you have a problem with these preventable causes, I would suggest you stop whining about the church and start helping them.

Moo Dude!
Doug, the problem is that everyone wants to BE right, but few want to DO right. If every Church in the world adopted just two people, that would solve 99% on all hunger and homelessness. But a new stained glassed window is more important to some Churches.
more atheistic proselytizing
The church actually does help others. How many atheist groups are out there helping the community, doing Gods work, sharing the Gospel, sending missionaries, building hospitals? Ill stack the generosity of believers against unbelievers any day.

So where is my church going to do ministrys if our having a building is offensive to you?? Is there room at your house for 500 people? Could I find anything you dont need at your home and get rid of it and sell it to feed the poor? That argument sounds pretty dumb now doesnt it?

People are always going to die, be poor, and tyrants try to take over the world because that is the nature of the world we live in, not because the church isnt working to make this a perfect existence which it will never be.
Churches do what it takes to remain a church. If wanting to serve your god is your goal than serve your god. God can exist and have worshippers without churches. Churches can not exist without money. Charity work should be done by you not by putting your money in a holding account for some organization to dole out where it sees fit like building maintenance or parish administration compensation. If the organization truly practiced what it teaches it would not be financially secure because it would spend all its money helping people. Churches like all organizations first priority is self preservation. That produces built in hypocracy when teaching to give up everything to help others.
Yes. All members are to work and support each other and the needs of its widows, orphans and elderly. The "nice church" you speak of does not even allow for this; as all monies go through prescribed organizational filters.

The Old Testament tithe has been "demanded" for more than 1200 years and goes to unscriptural organizations for paid leaders and economic solutions that God has never called for.

It is to late to change this disaster. It would not be this way if the church had expanded as God designed it.

As it is, billions go to attorneys and programs created in human imaginations; claiming a faith base. Faith based hospitals and care facilities continue to charge more then the needy can afford; causing a big drain on public funds. (Just two small examples).

Early Christians did not and could not depend on government. Rather they took care of each other under God's plan. The true church became such a power in the mid-east that the Roman system took it over politically and controlls, what most imagine to be churches, to this day.

Any group which has a paid leadership be they Protestant or Catholic or independent are in this world system; along with those who claim purity but have fallen to false teachings.

Don't focus on organizational churches alone because all human organization, even those segments not turned in upon themselves, are not sufficient to deal with reality.

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