Friday, November 27, 2009

Java crashes both IE and Firefox. Help please?

This only seems to be happening when i try to draw on oekakis or view animations. The browser freezes, then a few seconds later, closes. It started happening a few days ago. I havent downloaded anything new in months. I tried uninstalling the latest java update to see if that would help, but the uninstall kept throwing errors at me. Any idea on how i van fix this? any help much appreciated.

Java crashes both IE and Firefox. Help please?windows firewall

try to install the latest java software or reinstall it then check if it works if it dont uninstall it then rebot then reinstall

Java crashes both IE and Firefox. Help please?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

Uninstall then reinstall Java. That should work.
It sounds to me that you may have a virus or spyware infection. Have you run any scans for virus' or spyware recently? If not, you might want to do that first. I know malware can cause these type of problems too. I had the same problem and a computer tech told me to run all the scans and see if that would help. If not, he said that I could bring it in and they had other more detailed software for scans of this type that would get the deep down hidden infections out. Good Luck!
i think ur browser files are corrupt

try to download a new browser

opera is gud...
first , u try to find some program that working on registry in windows(registry repair) ,

then reinstall your java

because i think , your explorer and every DLL file and componnent of internet tools in your windows maybe crashed

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